Since 2010, with a view to encouraging original high-quality research and to lending new dynamics to the FIFA/CIES International University Network, CIES has awarded an annual Prize for the best group project presented in the framework of the FIFA/CIES International Programme in Sports Management.
The objective of the Prize is to promote innovative work, to disseminate it within the network and to develop interaction/exchange between Network students and FIFA Master students.
The Prize, which may be modified by CIES each year, consists of a visit to CIES headquarters (Neuchâtel) and to FIFA headquarters (Home of FIFA, Zurich) for all the members of the winning group. In the framework of these visits, the prize winners will be invited to present their work in English to the FIFA Master students.
The selection process consists of two steps :
First Step
Each partner university, with the CIES local coordinator and CIES, preselects the best group project for the academic year taken into account.
Second Step
An international Jury, consisting of FIFA representatives, representatives of the academic world and sport professionals, examines all the group projects preselected by the partner universities and chooses the winning project based on the following criteria :
- relevance of the topic for sport at continental, national, regional and local level,
- originality of the topic with respect to already existing studies/work,
- originality, creativity and independent thinking in analysing problems, proposing solutions to problems, selection and discussion of material used,
- quality of analyses (details, relevance, logic, consistency of conclusions),
- relevance of the methods used,
- relevance of the sources used,
- use of the FIFA/CIES Programme in Sport Management course content,
- quality of conclusions and/or recommendations (clarity, relevance, feasibility, consistency with analyses),
- quality of the report (clarity, format, legibility)
2024 Nilsa Montserrat Guzmán and Oriana Tovar Gómez. Entre lo virtual y lo presencial: Propuesta para la promoción y difusión del Poomsae competitivo del taekwendo en Venezuela por medio de tecnologias de la información y de la comunicación (TICs). Universidad Metropolitana, Caracas, Venezuela.
2023 Gastón Ibáñez Rojas, Joaquin Cárdenas Kaechele, Gissele Toro Santibáñez and Sebastián Alvear Alfaro. Fundación ‘Juega Reciclando’. Universidad Santo Tomás, Santiago, Chile.
2022 Ahmad Karem, Amr Adel, Angy Al-Gemayl, Maram ElKady and Seif Amer. Etawa – Volunteering. Cairo University, Egypt.
2021 Carlos Brenes Soto, Shirley Cruz Traña, Lixy Rodriguez Zamora and Carol Sánchez Cruz. Plan de mercadeo de la UNIFFUT para la sostenibilidad de la liga de fútbol femenina en Costa Rica. Universidad de Costa Rica, San José, Costa Rica.
2021 Wadie Ibani and Mitri Hajjar. How eSports initiatives in UAE will help the introduction of eSports into the Olympic Games. Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
SPECIAL PRIZE Marcos Castro Salcedo, Fernando Soto Ramirez, Alfredo Fernández, Naomi Moreno Gutiérrez and Antonio Ataucuri Rodríguez. Academia « Walking Fútbol » Universidad de San Martin de Porres, Lima, Peru.
2020 Damilola Bello, Gareth Frederik Cortje, Casper Jangale, Daryll Roelf and Chipo Sabeta. Critical Factors for the successful Implementation of the eSports League System in selected Countries in Africa. Nelson Mandela University, Gqeberha, South Africa.
2019 Lucia González, Mariana Detoni, Gonzalo Huerta and Fernando Romano. A Plan to Develop Women’s Football and the Women’s Football League in Argentina. A project that proposes a comprehensive development plan for women’s football and the women’s football league in Argentina. Although this is not a new topic, the project seeks to enhance competitiveness at the national and regional levels. Its ultimate aim is to improve the quality of the competition and of the players.
2018 Abdulrazzaq Al-Mahmood, Atanas Tarkalanov and Damir Valeev. Green Card: Creating a Sustainable Stadia System in the United Arab Emirates. Aiming to turn all stadiums in the UAE into sustainable smart green venues. Paris-Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
2017 Joanna Błoch, Szymon Kabatnik, Łukasz Krawczyk. Business Plan for the Platform. Creating an internet communication platform intended to create contacts between all stakeholders in amateur sports teams (offers of infrastructures, coaching offers, exchange of experience, etc.). Kozminski University, Warsaw, Poland
2016 Olga Laeva, Elena Bortnichek, Daria Smirnova, Lev Fertelmeyster and Maksim Shipov. The 360º Academy: Development of a sports academy educational model. A project that aims to improve the sports education system in Russia by creating a school model focused on sport which proposes solutions to allow the harmonious and balanced development of athletes. Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia.
2015 Rafael Acosta, Eduardo Basalo and Leonel Yépez. Comprehensive baseball academy, training citizens to serve society. A practical project related to baseball – around sport itself, studies and moral values – aims to train citizens who are ready to commit themselves and contribute to society. Universidad Metropolitana, Caracas, Venezuela.
2014 Yoliswa Lumka; David Kappel. Women’s Football. Competition and Player Development. Comparing the situation of women’s football in South Africa and in Germany, making recommendations to develop women’s football in South Africa. Nelson Mandela University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa.
2013 Sandra Ávila Tinoco; Fernando Corral Collantes; Erika Montemor Ferreira; Regina Schmidt Rio-Valle. Football clubs in debt. Grounds and measures. Presenting the financial situation of Spanish football clubs, Suggesting possible alternatives for a better management and organization. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain.
2012 Sonia Herrero Calvo ; Isabel Garcia Blanco. Strengthening the links between football clubs in the Spanish first division and their supporters. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain.
Special price 2012 Saafin Ayat ; Pedersawi Yousef ; Hussein Ali ; Nael Deguera. How recycled tyres could be used as materials for sport facilities construction. Birzeit University, Ramallah, Palestine.
2011 María Teresita Axmann ; Laura Macchiotti ; Evangelina Tosello. A new opportunity: building resilience through sport. Universidad Católica Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina.